After two years or so of garter stitch and simple lace projects (think Hitchhiker, Stripe Study, Rambling Rows), I've decided to add some beaded projects to my plate. School and full-time work apparently isn't enough. So, here are the next three projects:
Haruni: Stockinette center with a liberal amount of beads in the border
Celestarium: A pi shawl of the northern sky (constellations marked by beads, YO/K2tog) every stitch is graphed. Charts of the longest rows have 500+stitches. I'm going to need a very loooong ruler to keep track of those rows. (under 400 beads)
Nouveau Beaded Capelet: 5000+ beads. What fun! I'm hoping to get this one finished in time to wear to my niece's wedding. (She doesn't like knitted things. Hence the knitting project.)
My other December goals include getting a handle on my stash and decreasing the paperwork lying around in boxes in the house. I haven't sorted it well for about three years. All this is in preparation for the annual trip to Teresópolis, RJ Brazil.